Affiliate Membership Application
The REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts is pleased to offer you the opportunity to join us as an Affiliate Member. Your Affiliate membership opens the doors to an array of programs and services and a variety of marketing and networking opportunities that will put you closer to the people who use your products and services.
About Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Membership is a special category of membership reserved for individuals who are not actively engaged in the sale of real estate, but who have an interest in the activities of the association, including access to resources, programs, services, and information. Affiliate Membership is open to qualified individuals whose firms and businesses offer goods and services used by real estate professionals and/or their clients and customers.
Applicants for Affiliate Membership must meet the following minimum requirements:
There is an application fee of $125 for the Individual and the Firm Membership. The annual membership dues for a RACM affiliate individual membership is $300.00. For affiliate members who join mid-year (July 1 or later), the membership dues will be prorated to $150.00 for the individual RACM affiliate member. In addition, we also offer a Firm Affiliate Membership rate. The annual membership dues for RACM affiliate firm membership is $500.00 for 4 agents from the same office or branch location. For any additional members that wish to join, will be charged $100 per person. Any agents that join a firm affiliate member after July 1st, the price will be $250.00 for an office or branch location.
Affiliate Members have access to all membership programs, products, and services, including newsletters and publications, education programs, membership programs and events, and membership lists. RACM’s Annual Awards Celebration offers Affiliate members the chance to be recognized and honored as Affiliate of the Year, based upon their service to the association.
Marketing Opportunities
Affiliate Members can increase the visibility of their brands and awareness of the products and services they offer through a variety of marketing opportunities that include exclusive and non-exclusive sponsorships, advertising, speaking, and teaching engagements.
About the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts
The REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts has been proudly serving its members and the community of the Greater Worcester and Central Massachusetts areas since 1923. The Association assists currently over 2,000 real estate professionals, providing the services and resources necessary for a successful career as a REALTOR®. Association members are involved in residential and commercial real estate as brokers, salespeople, property managers, appraisers, counselors, and others engaged in all aspects of the real estate industry. RACM is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® and the Massachusetts Association of REALTORS®.
REALTOR® is a federally registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a Member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics.
Membership Type
Individual -or- Firm
Type of Business
Full Year Jan-Dec Prorated July-Dec
Application Fee $125.00 $125.00
Individual Membership $300.00 $150.00
Firm Membership $500.00 $250.00
By agreeing to membership in RACM, the above-named individuals hereby agree to abide by the Bylaws of the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts, as current and as may be amended. Additionally, all members named on this application agree to the following AFFILIATE PLEDGE:
1. I will help promote Affiliate Membership of REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts with traditional and nontraditional membership.
2. I will support members of the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts by contributing to help build and enhance improved REALTORS® programs, events, and education to promote REALTORS® awareness and advocacy in our communities.
3. I will provide quality service and live up to the ethical and compliance standards of my profession. In addition, I will follow up and communicate with any leads or referrals I receive from the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts members.
4. I will be professional, conscientious, trustworthy, and supportive of all members of the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts
5. I will be a supporter of goodwill events to benefit local charities through the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts.